Growing muscle is a funny thing, you have to tear the muscle first, which hurts, and then you have you push through the pain in order to make it strong. It takes about 3 days before you feel a little better again, yet if you stop moving then the muscle returns to how it was and all the pain was for nothing. Dislocating your jaw is painful. But it's more painful to relocated it, and to move it around afterwards. Yet, even though it's stinging pain you have to keep it moving or you lose movement in your jaw which is a bad thing. Blood blisters HURT! Let's say something gets pinched.. like a big toe! Even though it's hurting and you don't want to walk on it you just have to. Eventually the pain is gone and all that's left for a while is a weird mark. A ripped ligament needs pressure, movement, and exposure, or the healing won't take place. I learn so often about physical things, and how closely related they are to spiritual and emotional things, but man...
The tales of a girl who sees the world from a different view than most....