I've had the time lately to sit around and think. Not many people in our generation actually get that time. No my thinking did not come while I was watching Netflix, reading a book, or listening to music. My thinking came while I've been alone, stuck waiting, with my thoughts. Yeesh. I don't know about you, but sometimes for me that's scary place to be. This time it really was. Fear is SUCH a powerful emotion. There's this small place in your brain called the amygdala that helps you process emotions, and within those emotions, it notifies your brain when you are scared. The amygdala is an interesting under explored location within your grey matter. But from what we do know is that you can help program your fear receptors at any point in your life. Meaning you can literally change your fears. Beginning the process depending on your fear can be done alone, or with a professional. (If your fears are massive, deabliatatiing, or anxiety please see a psychological ...
The tales of a girl who sees the world from a different view than most....