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Showing posts from December, 2012

Last Post of the Old Year

Here is my annual sum up of the year! xoxo Shay January- Started my job at the Children's Theatre, got in a pudding fight, created the robot box, moved into a new apartment in Salt Lake. February- chopped 9 inches off my hair, Bridge to Terabithia was finished and performed, Internship started at Utah Trailer Source. March- Keaton hits his year mark in the mission, Jonny comes home from mission, I meet Judith Rasband April- Emery hits 1!!! Jake hits year mark! School is finished I have a 3.9 GPA, Job starts at the LDS Business college May- I visit home, Quit the Children's Theatre, Katy and I had our first fight, Nate moved to UTAH! June- The accident, my jaw surgery, I visit ABQ, Ben leaves, watched Hot Rod 4 times. July- I watched the entire series of Ugly Betty, Found a new love for Mint Chocolate Chip Brownie, Turned 19, drove the mini cooper August- Worked my tail off (60 hours a week), went to 7 peaks, long boarded down the U of U hill, quit all my jobs...

Once in a While....

-Miracles happen - It snows - The sun shines through clouds - I paint walls - Bananas become my favourite fruit - I travel with my dad - I try to sing publicly  - I see my family in Spokane - It's Christmas time - I get excited for New Years - My sister loved her present  - You see smiles on people's faces - There are friendly strangers - Strangers fill up my gas tank and check my oil - My car gets fixed - I get locked out of my house because I forgot the code.. - Healing takes place - Closure is found - Strength to move on shows itself - Happiness is everywhere - My sisters are pregnant - I find out what they are having through FACEBOOK . guh. (Indie.) -Tycy graduates - Indie comes to visit me - I buy a new hockey stick - I see my wonderful friend Mary - I don't become the hulk - or get super powers. It's a sad day  -But once in a while.. the Lords plan starts to make a little sense. Family. Source.


Well,  This week I started my treatment,  Basically they put some radioactive stuff inside of me, and shot gamma rays at me to see where I was bleeding so they could stop it. I'm pretty much going to be the Hulk No big deal. But honestly, it's the weirdest feeling when you sit there and then they inject some stuff into you and WITHIN seconds, the world comes crashing down around you.  Sometimes I wish we could just "inject" the Lord's will into our veins. Where it would take over seamlessly  and we could live our lives just how He wants. Sadly enough, this can't happen because then it takes away this thing called agency.  Strange.