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Showing posts from July, 2013

My Twenties.

I think birthdays are a funny thing.  Celebrating getting one year older.  It almost seems forced.  However, that being said my family gave me a wonderful day of birth party.  The centre of attention was NOT me, but they did special things for me all day that I loved, it made me feel special and remembered. I've never had a birthday like this before.  At the end of the day I was still super happy.  Yay for me being 20.  Two whole decades over.  I've made it another year.  More to come! xox Shay! 

Take THAT!

When I was 15 and 16 I was struggling with a bone disease.  One that sometimes was hard to fight, it hurt, and I was in pain. I couldn't live a normal teenage life. In fact I spent more time in hospitals and meeting with doctors than I did with many other things in my life. I had to quit sports, otherwise according to one doctor, "By age 21 I could be in a wheelchair." It was intimidating, to have my whole life change in such a drastic way, therefore in a way I gave up on myself. At the time I remember my dad telling me that after my surgery I would be able to run again, and play sports again, I just had to let my body heal.  FAST FORWARD 4 YEARS.  This year I started playing indoor soccer, nothing super big. But then everything with my internal bleeding happened.  Fast forward through, 1 cancer scare, 2 radiation treatments, 3 months basically on bedrest, and then my hair turning to crap.  This July 20th, on my 20th birthday I ran a 5...

What If's

Fear is a funny thing.  It sometimes can motivate us,  Or hibernate us. It can stretch us to accomplish the unthinkable  Or it can shrink us to be below our potential.  I have fears.  Real fears.  Every day.  Just like everyone else. 


Crap happens.  None of us escape this life without pain, suffering, hurt feelings, and terrible memories.  Sometimes it happens from our choices, other times it's choices of others that haunt us. No matter how it happens pain like this causes me to shut down, to hide away, and hope that the pain will stop. It hurts my heart and steals my energy.  How do we get over things like this?  Step 1: Accept that you are a child of a loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing more for you than to be whole again thus He provided the Atonement to heal us as well as forgive us.  Step 2: Pray your little heart out. Nothing starts the healing process like a good cry and a prayer to the Lord.  Step 3: Start to forgive yourself. No matter what you did or anything anyone did to you somehow you will feel it's your fault. Even if it's the case the past is the past and there is NOTHING you can do to change it. Forgive yourself.  S...