Adjusting to life in Salt Lake has actually been pretty easy, I mean I have had my ups and downs about this place, but at the end of the day, It's the people that are around me that make all the difference. Some say I was running away from things in Lethbridge Some could even think I just got bored Or my job ended. or I left for or because of a boy. That's not the case at all. Although I honestly have no clue really why I left, I'm glad I did. There is something thrilling about a new place. New friends, New apartment New town, New experiences, New job. New Shay. Not like I'm not a compilation of everything I have been in my life. I am. I'm just not held down by the social norms of those who have known me for a long time. I am who I am now, and I can see better who I want to be. Though, I fall short many times on accomplishing ...