Adjusting to life in Salt Lake has actually been pretty easy,
I mean I have had my ups and downs about this place,
but at the end of the day,
It's the people that are around me that make all the difference.
Some say I was running away from things in Lethbridge
Some could even think I just got bored
Or my job ended.
or I left for or because of a boy.
That's not the case at all.
Although I honestly have no clue really why I left,
I'm glad I did.
There is something thrilling about a new place.
New friends,
New apartment
New town,
New experiences,
New job.
New Shay.
Not like I'm not a compilation of everything I have been in my life.
I am.
I'm just not held down by the social norms of those who have known me for a long time.
I am who I am now,
and I can see better who I want to be.
Though, I fall short many times on accomplishing those things,
I feel more so now than ever, that a new start is what I needed.
The past year, as rewarding and uplifting as it's been,
has been difficult, with health problems and family issues, and everything else that surrounds us daily
I lost track of myself, and goals that I have always wanted. I began coasting.
And if you are coasting you know you are going downhill.
Not everyone needs to be as rash as me, not everyone has to change cities, provinces, or countries, like I did, to receive a new start. It can happen in so many different ways.
Find the way that works for you.
Source: Eliminate negativity.
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