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Showing posts from November, 2013


       This past week I've been worried teaching high school students. Mainly because in high school I didn't treat people the way I should have. I belittled, disrespected, and sometimes bullied. I laughed at others expense, because I thought it made me a better person. In high school I had the friends, support, and crowd that surrounded me to make me feel better about my choices. But everyone graduates, and everyone grows up. These are not moments that I am proud of, but I have used the past 3 years to change, and make up for it. At least I am trying.      Treat others the way that you would want to be treated. There is a reason it's called the golden rule. That is because it is worth so much value, and yet rarely found. Can you imagine what this world would be like if those who belittled kept silent. Or those who laugh at someone else's expense, chose to find real humour that didn't hurt someone. What about those bullies? If they just kept their ...

Lewy Body Dementia

I heard the CRAZIEST thing ever on the news today.  Scientists have developed an alcohol pill. "What is that?" You might ask.. Here let me tell you It's a pill you can take, you will get drunk, but then the next day you won't have a hangover.  Wow!  What an incredible breakthrough.         On the same note, I met with my Grandpa Eric today who is living with Lewy Body Dementia. Every time I visit it's the same. I use a key card to open the locked door, and then I walk to his room where he is sitting in his wheelchair. Today he told me I was late. He is always happy to see me, or even anyone as he is forced to be separated from his wife of 62 years. We talk about our day, (because that's all he really knows is happening) Then I take him in a walk in his wheelchair because he can't walk. We look at the sunset. We talk some more as he stumbles over his words and struggles to get them out.        Then, promptly at ...

One Million

For those of you who don't know.  The most successful people in this world have 1 thing in common.  They have a goal, written down, that they view daily.  Do it.  It will change your life. If you feel you can't succeed. Get that sick voice out of your head and move forward. All the doors are open for everyone. We are made equal. We are made for greatness.  BELIEVE.