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Showing posts from June, 2014

Singing at the Top of My Lungs

I have decided that the last 5-8 posts have been serious, and motivational, covering deep topics. So today, I am doing something a bit different. Lately, when I feel down, I have started writing down and composing lists of things that make me happy, make me smile, or I am lucky to have. So here are some of them: - I am currently eating Sushi. - I bought this radio transmitter so I can listen to my music when I drive. This usually results in a half hour concert on my way to and from work. - I have a new cuddle buddy. He's a stuffed giraffe that a good friend gave me and his name is Hiemer. - I love the rain, and it has been raining all weekend. - This joke. What kind of shoes does a mouse wear? -------------------------------------- squeakers. HA! This picture. Gets me. Every. Time.     In just 6 days I will be heading to San Fransico to enjoy the sun, be around some of my dear friends, and tour everything! - I have such a wonderful job with an amazing boss who...

Kick Him to the Curb Take a Polaroid Picture

This is a touchy subject, however I felt so greatly for the last few weeks to discuss the topic. In relationships we give so much of ourselves, and often get so much in return. There are on occasions more terrible relationships, with more terrible people. Where you give everything until you feel there is nothing left, and the other person feels a sense of ownership.  If you are reading this, please keep reading, don't give up on it because the topic is too touchy, scary, or you think it doesn't relate to you. Take the courage to make a difference. 1 out of every 5 women will deal with this. That means one of your friends, or a girl in your class, or a family member WILL deal with this, and maybe you will see it or maybe you'll never know. But who wants to take the chance of maybe? There are 3 main types of abuse. The first one being Sexual Abuse. This is when someone uses their strength, words, or intimidation to receive sexual satisfaction. This can happen in marri...