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Showing posts from July, 2014

In Loving Memory

Gordon Hohm passed away peacefully after a long fight with cancer, Sunday morning July 27 2014 at the age of 59. Gordon was born to Eric and Yvonne Hohm January 1st 1955. He grew up in a loving home with many interests. He played in the Magrath/Cardston Marching band all through High School. He also was on the Curling and Golf teams in high school which then carried on through his life. To the day he passed away he was still a member of the Lethbridge Golf Club, and the Curling Club. Gordon believed in living, and loving. He and his wife Kathy loved to travel, and see the world. They took many trips together throughout their marriage and continued too after he was diagnosed. When a life leaves this world there is a crater left in those who knew and loved him he will be mourned by many. Left to grieve him is his wife Kathryn Hohm. He is survived by his parents Eric and Yvonne Hohm, as well as his brother Rodger, and sister Shari. The funeral will take place Tuesday August, 8th 2...

Of Life and Living

I don't pretend to know a whole ton, maybe because I don't. However there are times in our lives, check points if you will, that give us a chance to look back reflect and see where we are going. I so value times like that. Times like today. Why did I check point today? I did it because 21 years ago I was born. Weird right? I don't feel like I'm 21, but whatever. So I was trying to think up things that I may have learned or changed in these years of life, and after much pondering I could only think up a few. So here they are. Knowledge according to Shay. 1) Tough times NEVER last. I know they feel like they will, and I feel like they will, but they don't. They simply can't. So bite down, hold on, and bear the wind, because it will end. 2) Challenges make us stronger. Just like muscles, sometimes we must be torn in order to grow. Challenges work the same way. 3) Life is good. As good as you want it to be. Either you can go through life complaining, wis...


Today I was looking up the definition of many different words. Mainly because when I use words some children ask me what they mean. As of late I have found a little joy in looking up secondary meanings. Most people only read number 1 in the dictionary. How many of you read number 2? For example: Integrity: 1) The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. And that's where everyone nods and thinks, "Yes, that is what it is." Here is where I have found my joy. 2) The state of being whole and undivided. Wow. Who knew. This girl, right here, didn't. We all put on faces. And no, I'm not talking about the make up we wear or clothes we put on. I'm talking about our personalities. We have different faces. Examples: In high school, I was fun with my friends and super sucky to my family. My friends saw me as this fun girl. My family saw me as hell. Those were the faces I wore, until I started learning how hard...

In Real Life

What is reality? What is your reality? In one of my classes we use a wonderful demonstration for this topic. A magic trick. We simply do a magic trick and then ask the students if this is real. Many have their hands up because it's what they saw, and know to be real, others question a validity of the trick. The thing is.... it's not real. It's an illusion to trick one into believing it's real. It does a good job too. Such in life we are on the reality ride. We must live in a real world. Media encircles and makes it hard to tell the difference, or we fall into a virtual trap. These can be used as escapes, but they aren't real life. Think now of some goals that you have made this year. Think back to your New Year Resolutions. How many have you done? Did you know the year is half over? WOW! That snuck by. I repeat. The year is half over. I know that I have not accomplished as much as I "goaled" myself to accomplish. Have you? The next part of real...