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Showing posts from October, 2014

Like Slow Motion

They say sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. FALSE. FALSE FALSE FALSE. Your brain can feel the pain of a broken heart, just like it can a broken bone. Also, being ignored can cause physical pain. There are parts of your brain that feel intense emotion but because they don't know how to discard it they place it as a physical pain then everything to your brain makes sense. We all have labels given to us, or created by us. Why do we as humans have these? Maybe because it's easier in our brain if everyone has a place. Some labels can be very positive and uplifting, like: Gifted Creative Kind hearted Beautiful Hard worker But what about some of the negative labels given to us that aren't as nice Lazy Stupid Won't accomplish anything Not good enough Too fat Why are we so much quicker to believe, adapt, and even accept these labels before we can accept the positive ones? We often allow these labels to define us. To cre...

Lessons From the Brain: Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Recently I have been attending school for psychology, and I LOVE IT! I love learning all about the brain, and the way people think. My favourite thing I've studied so far is found within the Hypothalamus. It's called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus. Basically this is your biological clock. It's a part in your autonomic system where everything you don't think about regulates. Like sleep, you really don't have to think about it, for most of us it just happens. Even when you get hungry, breathing, your heart beat, these are all things your autonomic system takes control of. The thing that I think is amazing about this, is this is something you are born with, when your brain develops, it tells your body when to do what, and that's just how it is. What I find fascinating about this topic, is no matter how much science says that there is no way to change the way your autonomic system is, you still can. Isn't that nifty? Here let me explain. Part of the Suprac...