Recently I have been attending school for psychology, and I LOVE IT!
I love learning all about the brain, and the way people think. My favourite thing I've studied so far is found within the Hypothalamus. It's called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus. Basically this is your biological clock. It's a part in your autonomic system where everything you don't think about regulates. Like sleep, you really don't have to think about it, for most of us it just happens. Even when you get hungry, breathing, your heart beat, these are all things your autonomic system takes control of.
The thing that I think is amazing about this, is this is something you are born with, when your brain develops, it tells your body when to do what, and that's just how it is. What I find fascinating about this topic, is no matter how much science says that there is no way to change the way your autonomic system is, you still can.
Isn't that nifty?
Here let me explain.
Part of the Suprachiasmatic nucleus's job is to start your cognitive function. For some of us that happens early on in the day, and then slows down towards the end of the day. (9-5ers) and then there's some of us who it starts later in the day and goes into the evening (Night owls). That is how you are born. This organ takes care of that. The changing part is something like this. Say in early college you stay up every night till 1am, and then wake up at 10am. Your body would naturally try to change and adjust to that, because you were overriding the system basically.
What's interesting to me, is that no matter what; you are more in control of your brain, than your brain is of you.
This is proven through the placebo effect. Belief can change a brain, it can allow you to defy science! HOW COOL IS THIS!
Anyways, this is all leading up to a point. That point is, things in life are going to get hard, they are not going to make sense, and sometimes just be unfair. However, just like your brain, YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL OF YOU. That is the simple fact. It's your life, choose to act, or be acted upon. Each day we are given the chance to make choices, and to live our very own lives. This is wonderful because to a degree we choose what our outcome is. If we put good into the world, we will receive good. It will happen.
So, when you are feeling hopeless (and I only say this to myself) remember the lesson of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. No matter how out of control you feel you are, you are in control. You can choose what happens.
I love learning all about the brain, and the way people think. My favourite thing I've studied so far is found within the Hypothalamus. It's called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus. Basically this is your biological clock. It's a part in your autonomic system where everything you don't think about regulates. Like sleep, you really don't have to think about it, for most of us it just happens. Even when you get hungry, breathing, your heart beat, these are all things your autonomic system takes control of.
The thing that I think is amazing about this, is this is something you are born with, when your brain develops, it tells your body when to do what, and that's just how it is. What I find fascinating about this topic, is no matter how much science says that there is no way to change the way your autonomic system is, you still can.
Isn't that nifty?
Here let me explain.
Part of the Suprachiasmatic nucleus's job is to start your cognitive function. For some of us that happens early on in the day, and then slows down towards the end of the day. (9-5ers) and then there's some of us who it starts later in the day and goes into the evening (Night owls). That is how you are born. This organ takes care of that. The changing part is something like this. Say in early college you stay up every night till 1am, and then wake up at 10am. Your body would naturally try to change and adjust to that, because you were overriding the system basically.
What's interesting to me, is that no matter what; you are more in control of your brain, than your brain is of you.
This is proven through the placebo effect. Belief can change a brain, it can allow you to defy science! HOW COOL IS THIS!
Anyways, this is all leading up to a point. That point is, things in life are going to get hard, they are not going to make sense, and sometimes just be unfair. However, just like your brain, YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL OF YOU. That is the simple fact. It's your life, choose to act, or be acted upon. Each day we are given the chance to make choices, and to live our very own lives. This is wonderful because to a degree we choose what our outcome is. If we put good into the world, we will receive good. It will happen.
So, when you are feeling hopeless (and I only say this to myself) remember the lesson of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. No matter how out of control you feel you are, you are in control. You can choose what happens.
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