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Showing posts from November, 2014

Up & Standing Once More

There's something amazing about the sport of Hurdles, it relates so well to life. Mainly because I love to think that life is a ton like a race. We are all running, moving in a direction hopefully. But hurdles, man they teach something awesome. For those who don't know, hurdles is a sport in which it's basically running but then there are obstacles in your path. Your job as the runner? Jump them. don't fall, and then jump the other one. What tends to happen? Falling, tripping, stumbling, and tons of bruises. How do we combat this? Get back up. Keep running, and jump the next one. You will need tons of practice because you can't get good at something if you aren't trying it over and over again. The trick to hurdles?   --- Look above them; not at them. --- BAM. There's the lesson for life. There's my lesson for life. Life is more like hurdles and less like running. In order to pass them, maybe try looking "above" the hurdles, there...