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Showing posts from June, 2011


Liars. We all know a couple of them and equally they all can't be trusted. That friend who said you looked cute in that color, the boyfriend who said he loved you, the girl who promised she would keep your secret. The dictionary defines a liar as a person who tells lies. Plain and simple. But what is a lie?  Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.  The intent to actually purposely deceive someone. What is the point? People say the truth hurts, well I can say that a lie hurts more than a truth. I would rather know what I'm doing wrong when it's happening verses later when I have thought everything was fine. A truthful friend is a true friend, a friend who covers the truth in order to "protect the feelings" is a worthless friend. In this day and age there are so many people who run around pretending to be something they're not, they are liars. There are girls who pretend to like a...

They are Dumb.

The hardest part of growing up, is learning that sometimes not everyone follows you. It has been a different time of my life to learn that sometimes growing up you have to do what's best for you no matter how hard it hurts at the time. Sometimes you have to walk away from people who use you, hurt you, and crush you. No matter how nice they are in between fights, that ugly side always comes out and no matter what you will lose. Then to see that person with someone they have always said they dislike strongly, and to see them all buddy-buddy makes one wonder if any of the friendship was actually true, if they actually meant what they said or if the whole time they were using you. What sort of sick game do some guys play? Do they get a thrill out of earning a girls trust, of being their best friend then using everything they know about them against them? I just don't get it. Then us girls usually listen to slow, sad love songs, AS IF that will actually make us feel better, when i...

Best Friends Birthday!

Today was DesiRae (my bestfriend) 's birthday! I am excited for her just because she turned 18! Kind of a big birthday day if you ask me! Well anyways, she recently got a new job and she had to work today (she was wayyy bummed out) around 3 in the afternoon MommaRae (Des's mom) called me up and asked me if I wanted to road trip it to Lethbridge with her to decorate Des's car.. well being the best friend I am.. naturally said... "OH YEAH! LET'S DO THIS" So we piled into the car and took off.. We went to the dollar store and bought a TON of balloons... this is how the car looked.. Let's just say that was the beginning.... Here's another look at it.. There are 3 people in this vehicle.. can't really tell.. can you? It's a little difficult.. and the balloons began to ATTACK me!! and man oh man! was my hair ever staticie after that little ride! When we finally got to her car we had streamers, happy birthday balloons, confetti,...

Today's the Day!

After much consideration I have decided to jump on the band wagon and get a blog! It's kind of the way my family and friends can keep in touch with me when I move away to Utah, and another way I can keep track of myself. I do not consider myself an excellent writer, in fact I know I have difficult times getting across what I mean versus what I say. So I hope this makes sense. I'm still getting the hang of this whole blog, one day when I figure out how to attach pictures that will be a glorious day!