Liars. We all know a couple of them and equally they all can't be trusted. That friend who said you looked cute in that color, the boyfriend who said he loved you, the girl who promised she would keep your secret. The dictionary defines a liar as a person who tells lies. Plain and simple. But what is a lie?
Lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
The intent to actually purposely deceive someone. What is the point? People say the truth hurts, well I can say that a lie hurts more than a truth. I would rather know what I'm doing wrong when it's happening verses later when I have thought everything was fine. A truthful friend is a true friend, a friend who covers the truth in order to "protect the feelings" is a worthless friend.
In this day and age there are so many people who run around pretending to be something they're not, they are liars.
There are girls who pretend to like another girl they can't stand, they are liars.
There are people who say they love you, and don't mean it. It's a lie.
The lie builds up the liars feelings, they think somewhere sub-conscientiously they can fix everything and 'pretend' everything is okay, well it's not. There is no excuse for a lie, there is forgiveness, but no friendship needs to be returned after it.
If you are going to lie, you deserve to get caught, and lose that friend. A friend needs to be a honest one, its ridiculous how many people lie in this day and age, it's almost like its some sort of sick preppy fashion. Well, I make my own style, and more people should as well.
Liars- people who tell lies. No exceptions.
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