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Showing posts from December, 2014

A Final Day in a Year

I have been pondering this post for quite a while. For many reasons. One of which I want it to be different than last year ( Summing it up through songs ) but I also didn't want to be too personal with it. Now, I think I've got the best idea for how to end this. I call it my 2014 mantra. Here it goes.  I've learned not everyone can be trusted, that not everyone will love you back, and maybe they might not even like you. I've learned you can survive a broken heart even when the pieces never fit together again. I've learned many will use, abuse, and hurt you. Some will step on you to get ahead. Not everyone you love will help you to be better, and family isn't the only support. I've learned standing up after you've fallen is more important than the fall itself.  But mostly I've learned that through everything there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are people who will help you. Others will love you! And some will change the course ...

This is the Story of a Girl

Behind every strong exterior is something being protected. I tend to think I need to be closed off in order to feel safe, to not experience vulnerability at any point. Lately, I've begun to ponder where this trouble began. You'd think majoring in Psychology I would magically be better at this concept. However I'm not. I thought... and I thought of past hurts, past breaks, and past everything. Is this what creates me currently? Or is it reactions to those problems, and if so, how did I decide to react? OR is it all a subconscious condition response to situations that block certain feelings because of past problems? If this makes sense to you.. congratulations.  They say our past doesn't define us, but our choices do. Isn't our past made up of choices? Do people only really focus on certain choices and choose to define because of that. Do they know the whole story? Do we ourselves know the whole story? Or are our emotions higher due to the setbacks? Do thin...

They Say

In a life of media ridden information, and instant technology so many people have such a strong say in each of our lives. This week I was browsing through Facebook and came across the following articles: 10 types of guys you shouldn't date 10 qualities you should be looking for  7 things tall people have a harder time at  5 ways to tell they are cheating 14 ways to be able to tell they love you 5 types of people in this world 6 ways to get over him 23 things that make a best friend How to tell when you are ready to date again Ways to see that you love him 30 different celebrities doing..... (who knows what I can't remember)  But needless to say I was looking and these and wondering, do we really rely on one person somewhere behind a desk to tell us how we feel? Do we often sit and wait for life to happen, then consult google before reacting? How do we live our lives? They say the best way to power through things is to not "allow" yourself to get...


Life is so much more than merely enduring it. It's all the components of enjoying, of love, of interest, and value. To keep it simple. Create the desire. Take the time. Put the effort in and you will accomplish whatever you deem success to be.