In this world it sometimes can be hard to find a human you can put up with, nevertheless love, and nevertheless actually be a good person. We've all gone through those bad relationships, some of us are still in them, and others have left and are feeling hopeless.. We all know what happens when those bad relationships control and destroy us.. but what happens when you find a healthy relationship. 1) You are this easy level of happy. Many have always told you that when you are in love, you are this blissful happy, but since you’ve only been in the wrong relationships, you didn’t understand this before now. You are pleasantly happy with the human you chose. It’s no longer a fight anytime you see something different, it’s not longer sad nights crying, and it’s not longer feeling like you aren’t good enough. This easy level of happy is present, and you are happy to work out problems because you know your person isn’t trying to hurt you, they don’t want to sink you, they are ...
The tales of a girl who sees the world from a different view than most....