We don't chose how we get hurt in life. But we do get a choice in who hurts us.
Forgive me for the lack of blogs lately, life has seemed to combust on the hinges and I didn't know what to write as emptiness filled my soul to the deepest parts. Then over the past few days I kept thinking, I need to do something. Therefore I went on a walk, and gathered some thoughts. Here are my raw thoughts.
I am not strong enough for the life that was given me. ( Now this is not a depression post.) But it's true. I'm not strong enough. In my weak moments when I'm alone, I sob. I hurt, and I sometimes can't move. I simply am not strong enough.
I know some of you are thinking that this cannot be the case because you see me climbing things, dancing, socializing, going to work, and carrying on with my life. And yes, I do do all those things. I accomplish them because of the people that are in my life that hold me up when I want to give up. I venture to hope I help others when they feel like they can't do it.
Here's my thought. None of us are strong enough by ourselves to make it through our lives, or the lot we are given. Any amazing story of ANYONE who accomplished ANYTHING always has someone, something, some support to help them. Because even Nelson Mandela wanted to give up, Martin Luther King Jr wanted to, Chris Gardener wanted to, Joan of Arc, and many more, the list goes on and on. There comes a time when everyone wants to give up, it's hard to fight uphill battles, It is. It's not fair, and it sucks. Plain and simple.
But listen to me: Any of you who are reading this who feel like life is too hard to handle right now. Take a moment to be honest with yourself. Whose your support? Is it a trusted friend? A religious icon? A family member? The nice lady at the grocery store who helps you? Who is it? Find that person and focus on that. With that person, no matter how alone in your pain you feel, there is someone( who may not feel your pain) but they would love to help you put it down for a moment to do something. I promise you, the pain is not going anywhere, but it's okay to put it down and step away for a moment. You have to keep living your life.
Life is meant for the living, and holding onto the pasts pain, makes it hard for todays happinesses to reach you.
**** Author's Note****
I write this because this is something I need to work on as well. Everything I ever write are thoughts and feelings I'm trying to understand, and hopeful help, uplift, or give an idea to another person.
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