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Not many of us remember back in the 1950's when there was a separate entrance to buildings for boys and girls, coloured people and white people.
Not many of us can remember sending loved ones off to war (praying for their return) in order for us to fight for equality.
Even less of us were around when we, the women, were able to vote, work, earn a paycheck, own a house and so on and so forth.

Usually I tend to keep my mouth, and fingers shut about political issues, because there's nothing I can say to change your mind, especially if you are one of the many in this province sending death threats to our Premier.

But let me see if you can see something a little bit different. Man, this province is mad at Rachel Notley, and I can totally see why. She's making changes in a very liberal way. Alberta has been conservative for all the years I can remember, and finally a different government has been elected, by majority, to be in charge of Alberta. Here's what I see. She told us these changes would be coming. We were warned, and we voted for her. In less then 6 months she has taken Alberta by a storm and started fixing the holes and cracks that we have. This is the first time I've seen a government do what they told us they were going to do.
** Now before you jump down my throat and attack me for thinking anything good about these people that you apparently hate, let's go back to my intro.**

I talked to my grandma, who was around when there was a different washroom for little black girls then there was for her. She remembers when they stopped segregating the population. Do you know what people like you were saying? They were saying things like this, "Protect our girls, our family, our way of lives. We can't possibly share a bus ride, a line, a bench, or a washroom with these people who are different than us." Because of the colour of their skin people for generations were looked down on and shunned.

Now, in 2016 we have a different problem. A mental condition. We don't know where it came from, or how to treat it. But we must remember this is a mental condition, as real as depression, or bi-polar.

Who you  people who have been making my friends, who are transgender, feel terrible about themselves I ask you to think for a second. Think of you who are. Whether you are a boy or a girl, think of how you feel, live your life, dress, and interact with the world around you. Now imagine what it would be like to look down and see different genitalia so therefore the world told you that you wouldn't be allowed to think, dress, or feel the way that you are feeling. Now imagine all the terrible memes, and status you have posted saying these people need their own washroom, or their own area to be put just so your mind doesn't have to try to feel empathy for a second.

Schools already have in place a structure to protect anyone from unneeded harm. Does harm happen? Yes. It happens everywhere. Whether or not you are in a change room, there is harm in this world.. There are terrible people who walk the streets every day.
Having a neutral space to take a dump, should be the least of your worries in what is happening in this world. But hey, I guess you aren't transgender so it doesn't matter to you.

Let's stop blaming all the boys, saying they will just peep at the girls. Let's stop trying to segregate our population, and even more so, let's stop trying to end our government. They are doing what's best to honestly help the people of this country, and province which was already falling apart when they took over.

Let's try to live our life with more love for those who are different. A little more compassion for those who are struggling to love themselves in ways you will never be able to understand. Let's look for solutions in the problems. But more so, let's raise our children to be better adults than we are, so that one day when something like this happens, those who are a bit different, are not called disgusting, "just confused" or any other terrible word I've seen about them.

I've been in gender neutral bathrooms, and you know what they look like? A big open area with a sink. Then behind you a ton of fully enclosed stalls for whomever you use the washroom. Then you come back out and wash your hands. People. I beg you to open your hearts, and minds to the struggles of others. Think of the transgenders, think of all the boys who are being treated poorly with all your comments of saying "Protect the girls"

1 in 6 boys will be raped before they are 18. 

It's not just our girls we need to worry about. 



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