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To the Man Who Taught Me How to Love

They say a girl marries her father. 
Well luckily mine is the best daddy in all the land.

Now that's not saying he's perfect, because he's not. In fact, he is flawed, very flawed. At times I questioned my need for a father, I doubted his honest caring, and I felt the impact of his absence. It was rocky, and difficult to maintain at times, but isn't that what love is?

But the fact is, he taught me how to love, and if you don't believe me, I have proof, with pictures! 

1) When I was a little girl my dad took me on a daddy daughter date. We walked around, and talked, we got ice cream and played at a park. It wasn't anything special and he didn't buy me the world, but he showed me the value of communication.

2) When I was a bratty tween he travelled 8 hours one way every other week to see me. Even if I didn't / couldn't see him. Sometimes he would drive all the way up just to turn around a drive back. This wasn't a huge thing to me, at the time, but now it showed me the value of priorities and time.

3) When I was a very extremely rude teenager my dad was patient. (Though I'm sure his wife thought he should give up on me, for good reason!) However, he didn't. He would write me, call me, calmly let me say terrible things about him, and continue to pursue a relationship with me. At the time I found it annoying but now I understand he showed me the value of dedication.

4) When I was fresh out of high school, I almost lost my dad, and it put life into perspective for me. I let go of my anger I was holding on to, and he let down his pride and together we formed a new relationship. We laughed, cried, talked, explored, but most of all we regrew the love on both sides. Together we experienced the importance of forgiveness.

5) Now that I'm a young adult, my dad shows me strength. Currently we are dealing with the hardest thing we've ever had to and sometimes I feel as if I can't breathe. I want to be angry, I want to cry, but most of all I want my daddy to hold me and tell me everything will be alright, but he can't. I got to see him and I realized he showed me the formula to be strong, even when everything is falling apart. Through out his life he has shown me the power of love, forgiveness, and true friendship.

My dad taught me how to love. He showed me the most pure love anyone could have. He demonstrated the ways to act in relationships, life, and in trials. Through his gentle heart, goofy mind, and dedicated person he showed me what true love is. He helped open my heart to find this love for myself, my relationships, and the world around me.

They say a little girl marries her father, well if I end up with someone like him, I'd be the luckiest girl in all the land. 


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