Since as long as I can remember I've always liked to sum up my years. I tend to be terrible at journaling, so therefore I sum it all up.
I started my year in New Orleans, I city I've always wanted to see, I fell in love, and explored every inch of it. This is my favourite picture I captured. It turned a year since Teina passed away, and I still feel it, every day. I began toying with the idea of quitting my 9-5 and travelling the world, mainly because when I came back to Canada it was rather cold and snowy.
You can see 2015 here.
2016 has been an absolutely amazing, and gave me the room I needed to heal and become. There aren't many things I can say about it other than I needed 2016. It was wonderful, peaceful, complete and more so, it helped me grow even more into who I am today.
This year I'm breaking down the months a little different, I hope you enjoy it.
New Orleans. |
The picture captured here was our Super bowl party. We do this every year, and this year we had quite the time. Natalie made so much food, my dad prepped the best meat, and we feasted. February was a month of changing my mindset and learning to let go of people, and accepting those who love me for who I am. I made countless trips to spend time with the Gordon's in Okotoks.
Super Bowl Crew (minus Dad and Natalie) |
What a cool month, other than getting terribly ill, (unknown at the time I was breathing in black mold) I had a ton of fun! Pictured here is the BEST concert.. Yes, Skyler, Cassidy and I wore Tutu's and went to a Mariana's Trench concert.. but that's okay. It was a night filled with dancing and fun! I went to great falls for Chevelles birthday, and Jon and I decided to take another trip!
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Mariana's Trench Concert |
Jon went to the WFPF Pro Am games, and because I was still working I couldn't. I did tons of planning for FCSS and Magrath days, then I helped my good friend Johnny out at the Outdoor adventure show. I taught little children parkour, I climbed a tree, and pushed more kids down the indoor Zipline. This month also included getting 2 new social media clients, going to Great Falls, starting to spend more time in Calgary, dancing a bunch with Negrych, and finding out my house had black mold, so I got kicked out and started my homeless-ness Journey to which the Hafichuk's helped me out and let me stay at Harvest Haven. Skyler and I went to visit Grandpa in Spokane.
I spent part May in New York! Let me tell you, what an amazing experience to see this city, that being said,.. we had Bed bugs.. YUCK. So I was ready to come home after a bit. However we went to Wicked, ate amazing food and pizza, took night time pictures, danced, met some locals, did all the tourist things, like Chinatown in the rain. When I came back I was looking for a place to live because I couldn't keep crashing at Harvest Haven forever.. there was a rooster who woke me up.. I struggled with that.. I'll be honest.
This month also consisted of me quitting my 9-5 job and venturing into the independent contractor life full time. WOOF.
Pictured here is Jon and I on the tip top of the Empire State Building.. It was soooooo amazing.
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Empire State Building |
Man alive! June was CRAZY! I did far too much travelling, however I found a place to live in Lethbridge and that was nice to have my own space again, however I missed having Sean cook for me. I decided to go to some big parkour events to I started training every single day. June I went to 3 weddings, and one of which was down in Utah with my best friend Katy. I got to watch her get married, and be there for her. Let me tell you it pulled on my heart strings. We had a lovely stagette for her with Leisha, my other lovely friend whom I miss so much. We were able to catch up, and fill each other in on life. Oh boy do I miss these two.. maybe some day we can all live on a beach together? I like that plan. I start
Pictured here is Katy and I recreating a classic lovey-dovey picture. (Her idea)
Katy's Wedding in Utah |
Started with a bang, I performed in the Anomaly Parkour Demo at Canada day, and that was CRAZY. Let me tell you.. It was a rush, oh yeah, I did a wall flip. Then Magrath days happened, what a crazy blur that weekend is. The Anomaly guys came and performed, we even had record numbers for the talent show. Oh ya! We also hosted a beer gardens. Yup. That happened. In Magrath. It was a grand time. I worked on healing a friendship I let fall apart. LITERALLY right after Magrath Days Jon and I jumped in his car and started our joinery to Colorado Springs for Tit Jam/ Jump Fest 2015. Spent 10 days camping, then we went into Denver to visit Drake, had fun, moved onto Boulder for the Apex International.
Pictured here is the 4th of July, where we blew up a TON of fireworks, and ate a TON of food.
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Long exposure of the family |
Jon and I came through Mount Rushmore on our way back from Apex. It was pretty cool.. Then August was hard after that.
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I love my Daddy. |
This month started with me watching Cruz and Chevelle for a few days, then I hyper extended my knee, we filmed the Ninja Video, I was able to capture another dear friend's wedding on Video, and it was amazing. Maddie and Brenton had the perfect day. I was able to sell my car to Carson and LeishaAnne, they got their dream car, and I became carless. But meh.
Maddie's Wedding in Calgary |
And I got a speeding ticket.
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My Mini Cooper S |
More trips, and a wedding. Finding the perfect Christmas tree, and then a great escape to CUBA.
This month was a crazy busy work month, I think both Jon and I were ready for another trip. It came and went too fast.
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Finding the Perfect Tree |
CUBA! Wow. What can I say? This was an eye opening experience. The beaches and weather were perfect, and I got a tan. However we sort of didn't have running water for a while, and that was hard. But it was interesting travelling a country I never thought I would be able to see, the old cars, and old culture was neat. Havana was beautiful, Jon and I soaked up sun and rum. Then I came back, and went to Spokane with Natalie the kids, and Dani, we had a great trip and saw all of the family. I got a good chuckle helping to wrap Dani's Christmas Present.
Then I brought in the New Year with my Love in Calgary.
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Varadero Cuba. |
To sum up this year, I would have to say it was filled with love, adventure, true family, and learning.
I fell in love with myself, the world, and those around me. I took adventures wherever they lead me, from being carless to homeless, to jobless, all the big changes that happened and help me find adventure in the fear. True family isn't always those people you were born into, but more a feeling of love, understanding and acceptance. Learning more about myself, relationships, and how to deal with the world of being my own boss, I also had to learn to accept things I couldn't change, my dad helps me think about that all the time.
So to all those who were big players in my 2016, I thank you for what you brought or took away from my life, I truly love you and I hope you know that I appreciate everything you do for me, even if I'm gone more often and don't text very well. I still love you.
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