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Not too long ago I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, doing many tasks but feeling like I was never accomplishing anything. Have you ever felt this way?
Then I had a wonderful conversation with my Daddy, he listened as I ranted about how I felt my whole life was falling apart and how I was such a failure (I know I'm a drama queen). But that's honestly how I felt. Then he told me the story of when he first opened his practice and how he made a routine and no matter what he wouldn't break it. I remembered many times, him following through even if it meant less sleep, or a little more stress, but no matter what he made time for all of us, and himself.

After this long conversation and about 3 months later I had started to build the same way he did, only I called them my balance points. (I know I'm just a workout nerd) Balance points are defined when weight is equally distributed when resting on a single spot. That spot is me. The following are the weights in my life.

Balance point 1: Work. 
I must work so I get paid, and pay bills, survive, eat food, all that jazz that comes with work. However I want to do work that I love, and love what I do. Therefore I've spent more time trying to track down the clients that I really desire to help, rather than accept anyone who is willing to pay me. This has given me more love for what I do. It gives me the freedom to travel, and hopefully soon, the freedom to move.

Balance point 2: Physical health.
I get bored so terribly easy, and because what most of I do for work is stationary (at a computer somewhere) I had to find ways to still keep my body and eventually my mind invigorated. A chin up bar about 10 steps from my work space helps, but it wasn't enough. So I break up my afternoon every day by going to the gym. Whether it's for 30 minutes or 2 hours. It doesn't matter, I need the physical stimulation. This also includes what I put into my body.

Balance point 3: Relationships. 
This includes most of the people in my life. When I first started out on the journey of being self employed I basically forgot about many people in my life, and I focused too much on work. (This works for some people) but for me, I need and CRAVE social interaction. When I focused on work, and let relationships go on the back burner I found myself not feeling fulfilled and eventually feeling lonely, and sad. That's not a place that I can do my best work. Because then all I do is struggle and wait for a text rather than doing what I should be doing.

Balance point 4: Education. 
I've always enjoyed learning. Wait, let me change that statement, I've always enjoyed learning about things I care about. Now that I'm not in school I found a void in my mind, and that's expanding it. What did I do about this? Books. (Yes, family members.. I said books), podcasts, blog articles, and networking with many people in interesting professions. This helps to keep my mind sharp and also at the cutting edge of my profession, and thus a balance point for me.

Balance point 5: Spirituality.
Many people may or may not be spiritual, and that's okay. I've found balancing who I am, who I want to be and my morals have always been an interesting one. I make sure to take time to meditate and remind my body and soul who I am and what I'm trying to become. This helps me not punch people in the face when they say dumb things.

Balance point 6: Routine. 
Yes, we all have a routine, but I had to create one that worked for my crazy schedule. I needed to stop allowing my clients to run my day, and to allow any little thing to throw off my whole mood. So I start my days with happiness and self time, I deal with clients during a time, and I answer phone calls during another time, at a certain time, no matter how crazy the day, I shut off. I turn my computer off, and I stop working. I have too. Balance. It's a real thing.

Maybe this is a topic you've thought about.. or maybe it's not. Who knows.
 But now that you've read it.. what are your balance points?
What matters most to you?

Balance points.


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