Every year we fail.
Every month we fail.
At least once a day, I fail at something.
There isn't a single person on this planet dead or alive that has not epically failed at some point in their life. However what determines greatness, is standing up again after that failure. When we face the winds, and the pressure, and return to our feet.
In order to obtain success there will be times shortcomings appear, old ones resurface, and new ones smack us in the face. No matter the obstacle in our path, if we want success we must continue. There isn't a place in any scripture, quote, biography, or speech that has ever told us that life would be easy, that everything would work out for us the way we wanted. No where can you find those words, because they are grossly untrue.
It's hard. Every day it's hard. No one is spared from the misfortune of failure. There is however a grand difference between those who consider themselves wildly successful, and a bum on the street. That difference is simple. They used whatever failures they had to motivate them and to accomplish something great. What's the purpose if we don't learn and become better after a failure. Imagine if Thomas Edison had of given up on the light bulb? He failed 2,000 times.. That's a ton of times.
Think of any other great person in history, they failed.
So if you are thinking that you have failed, and there is no point in trying. DO NOT listen to that voice. It is not right today, and it will never be right. Stand back up, change your plan a bit and try again. There will always be failures, but the only true failing is when we stop trying.
Keep trying.
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