In case you don't know yet, I love using song lyrics as titles. Maybe it's because some song lyrics just hit a place in my heart and mind, then stay there.
Or maybe I'm a weirdo.
Take your pick.
Lately, sleep has seem to leave me. Which gives me too much time to think.
Lately, I think about life. Choices that I could have chosen to do something different. Conversations which could have changed the way life has occurred, situations I could have avoided. Then I found myself in this downward spiral of sadness, and of regret.
So tonight; I did something different. I thought of the wonderful times. The times I laughed so much that my sides hurt. Funny stories, noises, and all the adventures of the beginning. I thought of conversations that made my heart skip a beat, and moments I wanted to pause. This had no regret, this had happiness, and wonderfulness. This had love.
Memories have a weird way of hurting, and being lovely all at the same time. I don't get it. But then again, I don't get the emotions behind everything either.
I'm happy to know that even though sleep is far away, that the sun is always near. It will come up, a new day will start. For it will not be dark all my life.
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