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Video Games VS the Brain

A study was released this week that demonstrates that prolonged video game-play affects the brain.
Professor Akio Mori, of Nihon University's College of Humanities and Sciences in Japan, measured the brain activity 240 subjects aged between 6 and 29. Mori measured beta waves, which indicate activity in the prefrontal lobe, and alpha waves, which often appear when the brain is resting. The prefrontal lobe is thought to be the centre of emotion and creativity in the brain. Mori divided the brain activity of participants into four categories: normal, visual, half-video game, and video game.
Normal subjects, who rarely played video games, were found to have much stronger beta waves than alpha waves. Little change was seen while these subjects did play video games.
The half-video game group, which played video games for 1-3 hours 3-4 days a week, had roughly equal strength beta and alpha waves when not playing video games; but when they did play video games their beta waves fell below their alpha waves.
The video game group, which played video games for 2-7 hours daily, showed nearly zero beta activity all the time, even when they were not playing video games. This means there was little to no activity in their prefrontal lobes. These subjects reported being easily angered, having difficulty concentrating, and having trouble socializing.
The visual group, comprised of people who largely engage in visual stimulation such as television, was found to easily develop symptoms similar to the video game group.
Mori says that the only active areas in the brain during video game play are the sight and motion areas. He notes that the video games he observed “stir up tension and a feeling of fear,” and that “this could have an effect on the autonomic nerves.” Mori's advice is: “During childhood, playing outside with friends, not video games, is the best option.” The study will be presented here in the U.S. in the fall at a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

Does playing video games have negative effects on the brain and behaviour? On this issue, the jury is essentially unanimous: intensive play of high-action games has been shown to have negative cognitive effects. Merzenich references studies that indicate such games can create “listlessness and discontent in slower-paced and less stimulating academic, work or social environments.” Research has drawn connections between playing more violent games and an increase in more aggressive thoughts. Games with anti-social or violent content “have been shown to reduce empathy, to reduce stress associated with observing or initiating anti-social actions, and to increase confrontational and disruptive behaviours in the real world.”

After my research I have concluded that video games change the way we think, whether it be desensitizing us violence, or pretending that we are getting a work out.
Just like with drinking, there is a 'healthy amount' however after 1-3 hours 2-3 times per week it begins to change and stop parts of our brains. Why would be subject ourselves to this? Changing our brain matter. I see this as terrifying. 
I have witnessed first hand what it's like when someone is addicted to video games, I have felt the heart break when a game is more important, and I have been a victim of desensitized to violence. Make no mistake where I stand on this matter, any addiction is destructive to relationships, in work places, and for personal growth. 
We need to try and make this world a better place, not adapted to the media and do what they say is good to do. This day and age, there is more mental problems than ever before. Why do you think that is? It's because people don't fully use all their mind like they needed to even 20 years ago. WE plop our children in front of a TV and call it good. We get them to play Wii and that's a work out. We allow them to stay inside away from nature, sports, physical activity, and socialization which all are proved to help development in those areas. Video games come in and take away all the good development that we should be having. 
There is no age when one is immune. There is no time we can't fall into this weakness. Each of our brains WILL change when exposed to video games and/or TV for too long of a time. Use things in moderation. Spend time with people, and make memories. Because that's what matters more than any 'time passer'. If you only had one day left, how would you spend it?
If you answered the same as I'm doing today, (playing a game, watching a movie, being alone, avoiding those you love, not making real life connections) Then I'm sorry, but you are living your life not to the fullest, and that's where regrets come from.


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