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Showing posts from 2014

A Final Day in a Year

I have been pondering this post for quite a while. For many reasons. One of which I want it to be different than last year ( Summing it up through songs ) but I also didn't want to be too personal with it. Now, I think I've got the best idea for how to end this. I call it my 2014 mantra. Here it goes.  I've learned not everyone can be trusted, that not everyone will love you back, and maybe they might not even like you. I've learned you can survive a broken heart even when the pieces never fit together again. I've learned many will use, abuse, and hurt you. Some will step on you to get ahead. Not everyone you love will help you to be better, and family isn't the only support. I've learned standing up after you've fallen is more important than the fall itself.  But mostly I've learned that through everything there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are people who will help you. Others will love you! And some will change the course ...

This is the Story of a Girl

Behind every strong exterior is something being protected. I tend to think I need to be closed off in order to feel safe, to not experience vulnerability at any point. Lately, I've begun to ponder where this trouble began. You'd think majoring in Psychology I would magically be better at this concept. However I'm not. I thought... and I thought of past hurts, past breaks, and past everything. Is this what creates me currently? Or is it reactions to those problems, and if so, how did I decide to react? OR is it all a subconscious condition response to situations that block certain feelings because of past problems? If this makes sense to you.. congratulations.  They say our past doesn't define us, but our choices do. Isn't our past made up of choices? Do people only really focus on certain choices and choose to define because of that. Do they know the whole story? Do we ourselves know the whole story? Or are our emotions higher due to the setbacks? Do thin...

They Say

In a life of media ridden information, and instant technology so many people have such a strong say in each of our lives. This week I was browsing through Facebook and came across the following articles: 10 types of guys you shouldn't date 10 qualities you should be looking for  7 things tall people have a harder time at  5 ways to tell they are cheating 14 ways to be able to tell they love you 5 types of people in this world 6 ways to get over him 23 things that make a best friend How to tell when you are ready to date again Ways to see that you love him 30 different celebrities doing..... (who knows what I can't remember)  But needless to say I was looking and these and wondering, do we really rely on one person somewhere behind a desk to tell us how we feel? Do we often sit and wait for life to happen, then consult google before reacting? How do we live our lives? They say the best way to power through things is to not "allow" yourself to get...


Life is so much more than merely enduring it. It's all the components of enjoying, of love, of interest, and value. To keep it simple. Create the desire. Take the time. Put the effort in and you will accomplish whatever you deem success to be. 

Up & Standing Once More

There's something amazing about the sport of Hurdles, it relates so well to life. Mainly because I love to think that life is a ton like a race. We are all running, moving in a direction hopefully. But hurdles, man they teach something awesome. For those who don't know, hurdles is a sport in which it's basically running but then there are obstacles in your path. Your job as the runner? Jump them. don't fall, and then jump the other one. What tends to happen? Falling, tripping, stumbling, and tons of bruises. How do we combat this? Get back up. Keep running, and jump the next one. You will need tons of practice because you can't get good at something if you aren't trying it over and over again. The trick to hurdles?   --- Look above them; not at them. --- BAM. There's the lesson for life. There's my lesson for life. Life is more like hurdles and less like running. In order to pass them, maybe try looking "above" the hurdles, there...

Like Slow Motion

They say sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. FALSE. FALSE FALSE FALSE. Your brain can feel the pain of a broken heart, just like it can a broken bone. Also, being ignored can cause physical pain. There are parts of your brain that feel intense emotion but because they don't know how to discard it they place it as a physical pain then everything to your brain makes sense. We all have labels given to us, or created by us. Why do we as humans have these? Maybe because it's easier in our brain if everyone has a place. Some labels can be very positive and uplifting, like: Gifted Creative Kind hearted Beautiful Hard worker But what about some of the negative labels given to us that aren't as nice Lazy Stupid Won't accomplish anything Not good enough Too fat Why are we so much quicker to believe, adapt, and even accept these labels before we can accept the positive ones? We often allow these labels to define us. To cre...

Lessons From the Brain: Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Recently I have been attending school for psychology, and I LOVE IT! I love learning all about the brain, and the way people think. My favourite thing I've studied so far is found within the Hypothalamus. It's called the Suprachiasmatic nucleus. Basically this is your biological clock. It's a part in your autonomic system where everything you don't think about regulates. Like sleep, you really don't have to think about it, for most of us it just happens. Even when you get hungry, breathing, your heart beat, these are all things your autonomic system takes control of. The thing that I think is amazing about this, is this is something you are born with, when your brain develops, it tells your body when to do what, and that's just how it is. What I find fascinating about this topic, is no matter how much science says that there is no way to change the way your autonomic system is, you still can. Isn't that nifty? Here let me explain. Part of the Suprac...

I Know My Heart Will Never be the Same, But I'm Telling Myself I'll be Okay.

I recently received an email from a blog follower. Throughout emailing, she asked me what my thoughts were on getting over a heart break. I've been stumped for about a week now. I was trying to think up something witty, something clever, and something that went with everything else I talk about on my blog. Then I thought of something.. .It's MY blog. ME. What's my thoughts on the topic. It's dawned on me a little bit. So I truly hope this answers your questions. Enjoy. Like any heartbreaking story it ends with someone walking out. Then it moves to the pain. Is this over yet? A pit in her stomach the size of an apple, alone with a broken heart she sat defeated on the floor. Is this what all the movies talk about? This is something she never wanted to feel, and here it was.  Tears came, Netflix was watched, and every picture was deleted that reminded her. Memories tried to be erased, hoping to ease the pain. But the truth is, nothing eased the pain. Days went...

A Few Sunny Days

What can I say? Not very much. All I know, is every once in a while when I find myself down, bummed, or even pissed, that no matter what I have the best friends that back me up. Help me stand, and teach me to fight again. I don't give them enough credit for all they go through with me. Whether it be listening to me vent, dealing with my heartless-ness, having me bark outside their window. Pretending to be a clingy girl friend, or just putting up with the daily smart ass comments I make. They are always there. This last weekend I had so many glorious times, and it's even better because it's lovely fall weather out there. So here are my friends. Desirae. Man, this girl has been with me since the beginning. Even though she's married now, she still takes time to be wonderful to me. ( we took a TON of pictures this weekend. ) Then there's Amanda. She's just grand. She hasn't been in my life for the longest, but man has she made a difference for me...


I've been debating writing this post for numerous reasons. However today it feels right. This is something I am truly passionate about. Sometimes in my little Shay life, I look for answers by studying topics. I research, and I learn in order to accept. Here is my paper on Pornography and the wake of destruction that follows. There are numerous addictions in this world they vary in shape, size, intensity, and ultimately how destructive they are in one's life. For example a few years ago there were billboards advertising how bad meth is. Do you remember those? The terrible sad faces? The destroyed lives? I'm sure you saw them, and they burned a hole into your mind. It awoke that part of your brain into comparing meth to those faces.  We see that often with alcohol , with cigarettes, we can visually see the impact it has, therefore it's easy to see the consequences. However, there is another addiction that is often hidden in the dark corners of society. Some even want ...

I Can Do Hard Things

I can't pretend like I have had tons of extra time to Blog lately. Not saying I didn't make time for it, because I did, I just didn't have anything to say. Sometimes ideas come into my head, and I just know what to write, and other times it's just titles. The past week or so it's just been a title. "I can do hard things" Maybe I've been thinking of this because it's just a positive affirmation for me. Maybe it's because I need to remind myself, or who knows maybe I'm bracing for the future. With school, work, and teaching all starting again there is no doubt that it will be slightly hard. I think at every new beginning there is something hard. At every end, there's something hard, and on the in-betweens there is something hard. I guess life is just something hard. Today my lovely mother and I were talking about what it's like to be 17. Do you remember? I know I do. I thought I was invincible. I thought I knew everythin...

We Don't Have to Hide Scars

Scars. We all have them. Internal and external. Our scars make us who we are today, we would not, and could not be here without them. Embrace the scars, for in this life they won't go away. Accept them, and continue forward. Listen to this song, it sums up exactly what I am feeling today.

Challenge Accepted!!

There's been something special about last week. I was able to spend a little extra time with my Grandpa Eric. Luckily things on Sunday night were postponed just a bit so I had a good chunk of my evening entirely free. So I went upstairs to his room, and asked if he wanted to go on a walk outside. He said yes. And off we were. We walked around the WHOLE block of St. Mike's. There were times he said I should probably slow down so I wouldn't tire out because I still had to take him back. So I would slow my pace. I think he just enjoyed being outside. But the truth is, I enjoyed it more. Often in my life I get so busy with work, with a social life, upcoming school... etc etc etc. I just get busy. Like everyone else. We all get busy. I'm sorry to say that when I get busy I don't spend nearly enough time with those that I love because I know they are there and I hope they know I love them dearly. What happened special that was different this week was, I remembered h...

In Loving Memory

Gordon Hohm passed away peacefully after a long fight with cancer, Sunday morning July 27 2014 at the age of 59. Gordon was born to Eric and Yvonne Hohm January 1st 1955. He grew up in a loving home with many interests. He played in the Magrath/Cardston Marching band all through High School. He also was on the Curling and Golf teams in high school which then carried on through his life. To the day he passed away he was still a member of the Lethbridge Golf Club, and the Curling Club. Gordon believed in living, and loving. He and his wife Kathy loved to travel, and see the world. They took many trips together throughout their marriage and continued too after he was diagnosed. When a life leaves this world there is a crater left in those who knew and loved him he will be mourned by many. Left to grieve him is his wife Kathryn Hohm. He is survived by his parents Eric and Yvonne Hohm, as well as his brother Rodger, and sister Shari. The funeral will take place Tuesday August, 8th 2...

Of Life and Living

I don't pretend to know a whole ton, maybe because I don't. However there are times in our lives, check points if you will, that give us a chance to look back reflect and see where we are going. I so value times like that. Times like today. Why did I check point today? I did it because 21 years ago I was born. Weird right? I don't feel like I'm 21, but whatever. So I was trying to think up things that I may have learned or changed in these years of life, and after much pondering I could only think up a few. So here they are. Knowledge according to Shay. 1) Tough times NEVER last. I know they feel like they will, and I feel like they will, but they don't. They simply can't. So bite down, hold on, and bear the wind, because it will end. 2) Challenges make us stronger. Just like muscles, sometimes we must be torn in order to grow. Challenges work the same way. 3) Life is good. As good as you want it to be. Either you can go through life complaining, wis...


Today I was looking up the definition of many different words. Mainly because when I use words some children ask me what they mean. As of late I have found a little joy in looking up secondary meanings. Most people only read number 1 in the dictionary. How many of you read number 2? For example: Integrity: 1) The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. And that's where everyone nods and thinks, "Yes, that is what it is." Here is where I have found my joy. 2) The state of being whole and undivided. Wow. Who knew. This girl, right here, didn't. We all put on faces. And no, I'm not talking about the make up we wear or clothes we put on. I'm talking about our personalities. We have different faces. Examples: In high school, I was fun with my friends and super sucky to my family. My friends saw me as this fun girl. My family saw me as hell. Those were the faces I wore, until I started learning how hard...

In Real Life

What is reality? What is your reality? In one of my classes we use a wonderful demonstration for this topic. A magic trick. We simply do a magic trick and then ask the students if this is real. Many have their hands up because it's what they saw, and know to be real, others question a validity of the trick. The thing is.... it's not real. It's an illusion to trick one into believing it's real. It does a good job too. Such in life we are on the reality ride. We must live in a real world. Media encircles and makes it hard to tell the difference, or we fall into a virtual trap. These can be used as escapes, but they aren't real life. Think now of some goals that you have made this year. Think back to your New Year Resolutions. How many have you done? Did you know the year is half over? WOW! That snuck by. I repeat. The year is half over. I know that I have not accomplished as much as I "goaled" myself to accomplish. Have you? The next part of real...

Singing at the Top of My Lungs

I have decided that the last 5-8 posts have been serious, and motivational, covering deep topics. So today, I am doing something a bit different. Lately, when I feel down, I have started writing down and composing lists of things that make me happy, make me smile, or I am lucky to have. So here are some of them: - I am currently eating Sushi. - I bought this radio transmitter so I can listen to my music when I drive. This usually results in a half hour concert on my way to and from work. - I have a new cuddle buddy. He's a stuffed giraffe that a good friend gave me and his name is Hiemer. - I love the rain, and it has been raining all weekend. - This joke. What kind of shoes does a mouse wear? -------------------------------------- squeakers. HA! This picture. Gets me. Every. Time.     In just 6 days I will be heading to San Fransico to enjoy the sun, be around some of my dear friends, and tour everything! - I have such a wonderful job with an amazing boss who...

Kick Him to the Curb Take a Polaroid Picture

This is a touchy subject, however I felt so greatly for the last few weeks to discuss the topic. In relationships we give so much of ourselves, and often get so much in return. There are on occasions more terrible relationships, with more terrible people. Where you give everything until you feel there is nothing left, and the other person feels a sense of ownership.  If you are reading this, please keep reading, don't give up on it because the topic is too touchy, scary, or you think it doesn't relate to you. Take the courage to make a difference. 1 out of every 5 women will deal with this. That means one of your friends, or a girl in your class, or a family member WILL deal with this, and maybe you will see it or maybe you'll never know. But who wants to take the chance of maybe? There are 3 main types of abuse. The first one being Sexual Abuse. This is when someone uses their strength, words, or intimidation to receive sexual satisfaction. This can happen in marri...

Tears Don't Mean You're Losing

I don't know a whole ton about life, since I'll only be turning 21 in July.  I do know enough to say with confidence, that life comes in waves. Times where everything seems to be falling apart, and times when everything starts to work out. Just like with waves we can feel as we start going up, or going down.  I call this the strength tester.  How strong are we? How do we become stronger people?  Life. We have to get good at life.  I know that sounds strange but it's true. Everything in this life tries to tear us down, belittle, and say that we can't do it. Depression, war, hatred, desolation lay waste to many good things. Most people stop believing in the good, because we are surrounded by bad.  Our lives work in waves. Each thing we are dealing with will pass. I can look back at my life and remember places where I was ready to give up and let 'life' win, but each thing passed. My heart recovered and life kept going. I became stronger, better, and smarter. ...

I Didn't See It

Today's video.

Kick Start Me

Things have been difficult. At work there is this person who is going out of her way to make my boss and I miserable she sometimes says just the meanest things possible. Just to hurt us, so we will give up and give her whatever she wants. And sometimes this has happened in my personal life lately. What I have learned about this: If someone treats you terrible so you will do whatever it is they want you to. Don't give in just for the purpose of them being nice to you. Those types of people are childish, and they will hurt you again the next time you differ on things.  I wish we lived in a world where everyone told the truth, and people were nice and loving, because they were nice, and loved you. However, from what I've seen, it's not the case.  The only way to break this terrible downfall is to be nice and loving. Even if they are not.  Sometimes you have to let your heart break, and allow the source of the pain to walk away.  At the end of the d...

How Do You Feel?

I've been terrified of this moment my whole life. I knew eventually it had to happen, because odds are it would. Odds are, I would prepare for the future, and that future might not prepare for me. This moment is here, and it's worse than anyone could prepare me for, but at the same time it's this 'I can be empowered moment.' I wish life was as easy as a love song. "I want you to want me," Bam, they magically wanted you. "You are good enough to me, and I'm good enough for you." Woot. There we go, things work out. But no, life is a mixture of everything. A little bit of everything. So because of that, I will be posting wonderful songs, videos and movie clips because I'd rather show that, than what "I'm feeling" Because sometimes you are past all feelings and other people can express you better than you can yourself. Here it goes: my first song, and I'm not going to explain it. Just listen. It's lovely.

When You're Dreaming with a Broken Heart.

In case you don't know yet, I love using song lyrics as titles. Maybe it's because some song lyrics just hit a place in my heart and mind, then stay there. Or maybe I'm a weirdo.  Take your pick.  Lately, sleep has seem to leave me. Which gives me too much time to think. Lately, I think about life. Choices that I could have chosen to do something different. Conversations which could have changed the way life has occurred, situations I could have avoided. Then I found myself in this downward spiral of sadness, and of regret. So tonight; I did something different. I thought of the wonderful times. The times I laughed so much that my sides hurt. Funny stories, noises, and all the adventures of the beginning. I thought of conversations that made my heart skip a beat, and moments I wanted to pause. This had no regret, this had happiness, and wonderfulness. This had love. Memories have a weird way of hurting, and being lovely all at the same time. I don't get it...

Through the Fall Out

The title? I thought it was better than "Happy Mother's Day" or "My Mom is Better Than Your Mom" or anything like that. I was listening to this song on the way home, and thought it touched on the topic perfectly. Through the fall out. In life there are so many fall outs, times when we feel we are free falling alone, and helpless. Well, there are people who encourage us and help direct us onto a soft landing, hopefully. Here are mine. First, my mother. She gave birth to me like every one else's mother. She raised me, sang to me, cuddled me, and comforted me. But most importantly she taught me to think for myself, and be my own person. (As I grew up and was finding that person it was not always the easiest journey.) But she stuck it out. She showed me how to go on when your life falls apart on you, and how to pick others up when they are down. She taught me of service, and giving service instead of gifts. She gave me my "I'm not really overly a...

The Detour

The sign says turn left, but yet I take the right down a different road I travel everyday and every night I see other people along my path Their happiness seems to abound Yet every once in a while I get the sudden urge to turn around. There are signs warning, giving cations Pressing forward we disregard everything seen because at my young age I believe I know more even though that sounds obscene. Occasionally I see a glimpse of those who turned left. Driving a different path than mine There seems to be a glow about them instead with us, we seem just fine. More signs telling us to turn left Some of us take the sign But no, sadly not me, For sometimes I am too stubborn in the mind. I takes a shattering fear, an earthquaking rumble, to cause me to look up and notice I know not where I stand, and that makes me tremble. Where is the nearest place to turn around? Return to stable land? How do I do it, when all those who turned left Know exactly where I c...